Monday, August 30, 2010

Who Makes Flower Arrangment Baby Shower Theme

So ... because the journey was so. go!

DC on my first flight I've done a nice acquaintance . When I got on the plane, much the same to me, a film crew on. And then I sat next to a woman whose face seemed somehow familiar. It turn out later that a reporter for RTL-Exclusive is and was her team on their way to the World Cup in the mud Snorkelling in Wales. At least it was a very nice conversation, she had to tell many funny stories. I remembered a post by her, by involving an extreme diet. She was allowed to eat only three days of chocolate, where it met their colleagues something worse. He was allowed to eat in the 3 days just for beer ^ ^.

Well ... on my flight from Amsterdam to Lima I sat next to a very nice Italian couple who somehow had only nonsense in your head. However I am with them in the 12 hour flight not so long maintained, since I still had a lot to catch up on sleep.

At the airport I was then a tösenden received applause. Well ... this was not really me, but the youth team sports of Peru, which returned back from a seemingly very successful tournament and accidentally sat in my plane. Once I had to realize that is not the applause was for me, I have seen Mrs. Schrader Woydke who with her husband, José, a boy from the children's village, had come to pick me up.

The next adventure was the drive to Cieneguilla, a small town near Lima, where the village children. The traffic is with what I know from home is not easy to compare. I give just one example: If you go on an eight-lane road and there is no left turn lane, you have left though, can be thought about what a mess there in part on the streets. really impressive but I found the street performers who, during the red phases Stellet just before the waiting cars and offering at dusk with your truly amazing juggling torches.

came after about a 2 hour ride we then Westfalia Children's Villages. Directly as I left the Taxi rose were already stormed the first children to me and welcomed me warmly. In the Casa Uno, one of the 7-family houses, we then had dinner. Because I was pretty tired after the long journey, I then placed too soon in my bed. My bed ... in my own little room. Although it is very easy to set up but I have a small bathroom with shower. A few pictures I'll show you in the coming days.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Gold Patron Biggest Bottle


Hi, I write today from the house of my host family!

This is very nice and cordial. Except my host parents still live here a 21-year-old host sister and the 27-year-old host brother and another volunteer from Germany.

The food is really delicious, almost always there as a side dish rice and then chicken (from our own production!), Peas and delicious fruit juices from fruits of which I knew not at all so far.

I was looking at Google Maps and found our house. Here is the link. It's the house at the bottom right corner of the park, we recognize the can.

weekend we have with our host father, host sister and two cousins on a trip to Mitad del mundo "made. The "Middle of the World" is exactly on the equator at 0-th degree of latitude. There we were then able to participate in various "experiments" that prove that we were actually on the equator. For example, it is much easier to add make an egg upright, because it is held by the forces of northern and southern hemisphere in equilibrium). Then we have visited the crater of an extinct volcano and eat an ice cream on the way back.

Also I have made really cool photos of a hummingbird and we have the ride on the back of the pick-up loading surface enjoyed.

has now begun English classes and it's always nice to meet the other volunteers there. Tomorrow we take a trip to the "Centro Historico" (= Old Town) and at the weekend in an indigenous village of Otavalo, where there is a traditional art market. Otherwise, it is envisaged that soon we will start a salsa course, or if we know the working hours in our projects.

The weather here is wonderful, but subject to large temperature fluctuations (as well as when climbing a mountain in the Alps). When the sun shines it is very pleasant and you walk around in T-shirt, but if you go there by bus to the other end of town can it be that where the wind blows and it still freezes even in a sweater. But mostly it's warm during the day to about 20 degrees and it will remain so throughout the year.

On Friday, my host father birthday and we (the other volunteer Valerie and I) want to bake a chocolate cake for him. Let's see if we succeed in doing this. The report will

I on the weekend.

clouds on the Dutch coast
first mountain in Ecuador
journey to the center of the world
host father, cousin, I, host sister, cousin
Quito, photographed from the largest church

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tight Underwear Penis Shrinking

arrival in Quito!

Hello dear ones,
I find myself now in an internet cafe in Quito and I am doing good (or altitude sickness or stomach technical problems). I arrived safely (with a group of 22 volunteers) and we were picked up directly at the airport for us by the responsible organization (VASE). I have not seen much of Quito, because the preparatory seminar runs and hardly any time to drive time in the city and look around.
But that will change tomorrow at the latest, if I move to my host family. I have learned by now that was at any point where my email address wrong on (or I have typically sent directly wrong) and that I therefore do not get the e-mails, the vase has sent to the volunteers. But is not that bad because most of it was already known. But it was a novelty then but I will stay all year round with a host family - not in the project as I thought. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow when I will get to know this family:). I have heard this from one Ecuadorian, that the food is delicious there.
The food that I've eaten so far was delicious! It is at any one meal of rice and usually a soup as a starter.
So, since I have not seen so much of Quito, I can tell, unfortunately, not yet. But versprochenermassen in the next post!
Hasta Pronto!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dengue Fever Relapses

preparations for departure

So here is my last post until I on Monday at 18:35 from Cologne / Bonn from start flying to Quito.
The one-week preparatory seminar in early August was very nice and informative. It was very interesting to meet other volunteers and it was from the first moment a feeling of connectedness in the group.
The activities and units that we had together was one, for example, the "World Trade Monopoly game" in which we were divided into groups and then had to try, with the sale and production of paper circles and triangles as much money to earn for our party. I belonged to the Party, France and we were right from the beginning to have a lucky position (as opposed to Togo, Brazil, etc.) to a pair of scissors. This Technology monopoly we have then exploited to us to secure a dominant position over other countries. Other parties were playing such as a corrupt press (who won at the end), the "neutral" World Bank, the UN (she was the unjust and outrageous developments powerless over it) and other countries.
The game has been very successful, in any form on Earth there is injustice, and how difficult it is to end the domination of a country, without it they give up on her own.
This game was just one of many exciting and wonderful units that we have experienced at the seminar! In addition to the units we have in the evening Capoeira, Thai boxing Salsa lessons and organized so that we can now well equipped to take our years of working abroad.
I am very happy my volunteer service with the ICJA complete, because I feel really well prepared for my year abroad and mentally attuned to it! When I arrive in Ecuador, I first prepare a further seminar (from 18 - 20 August) and then I'll to 6 September live with a host family and attend an intensive English course. Then start my work and will move into the home of my children project.
farewell parties are now the past and I'm all stressed out because I still have to pack everything. But somehow it is still all go smoothly! The
with the Images High download unfortunately does not quite, but I suspect the fault lies with the Picasa Web Album and I hope I got it fixed soon, so it then here to read not only text, but to also see pictures there;).
you soon!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Loette Start Taking Pink Zone First Day Of Period

First Post


soon it is time to say goodby. In just over two weeks it will go off. I have set up in the last few days this blog so that you can always stay up to date and know how I am in Peru and what I'm doing.

In this blog you find some interesting information about my volunteering in Peru.

addition to information about the project and the organizations with whom I work, I would also like to blog or homepages of other volunteers who show a similar voluntary activities away from home.

A guestbook I will not set up here. I hope that you will be rich in the comments. If you have questions or suggestions that you do not want to publish on the blog or simply want to send me a private message can you send me a mail via the contact form.

very nice greeting