Satan is dead Where is the love ... ? After the 6 months that my official residence is now the major sports, betonumrahmte room of a warehouse in the back yard of an office building on Highway a "Suburbs is Tacloban, I realized that I am finally home in my room.
What does feel just at home that is still me not be so clear, but no matter: I have noticed is the whole, when I little nervous after 3-day tour of Manila with either, too poor or too disturbed sleep in so slowly entering half asleep over our newly built wood-adventure-speed replacement (NER concrete survey) stumbled and thought: finally home! And the emotion was definitely stronger than any other houses, which I'm staggering in similar situations (except of course our beautiful log home in Wiesbaden, Germany). I'm really on my bed and the 3 concrete and 3 wooden walls around them happy. And so that must mean that I feel comfortable here.
you need is to worry, Mom!
If I'm considering, I'm in the non-half-year spent too much time at home. The house has provided me with his dirty charm but still pulled into the spell. The filth, the many insects, the brick oven, the office, the small bedroom and living area Boboys (one of the employees) and the abused of 12-15 Clock tables as beds, the Batmintonfeld, the huge, although relatively empty garden (Thanks Vincent), the new and cozy concrete road, the beautiful coconut palms and fruit load trees, our 4 night watchman, the DTI Building, the loud music at 6 clock in the morning, the funny animals in our partitioning, the sparse furnishings, our wonderful warehouse and the mosquito-infested toilets, which many giant moths, the few snakes and the occasional loud firecrackers explosions airbus, you hear when n Guard has once again thought he had seen NEN mind ... all this stuff is really cool and a cool alternative to everyday life in Germany with the last 13 years only sporadically altered home and the same old environment.
against the fur even though Jessy has no chance of missing the hall, but I'll land and our small and mysterious living room forever.
could you miss Manila. Not the most attractive place on earth that I've seen to date, attractive but in any case. The 3 days there have been great fun and NEN were for de feet demanding to be so few 3-day hiking tours.
Chris, Theo and I were of the nearly 65 hours we spent there, 20 hours determined running. Gone are like in the old town, the aquarium, the poor port district by the river Betonslum by Quezon City, Makati by, through Chinatown, through the mall, across the rink in the mall, and so on. About
's paintball field I am not running as hoped (also because the force of arms for my 2 cute little companion was just too much:}). I must be present to make up somehow. I will strike one probably also simply NEN Filipino green and blue ...
Although I was discouraged at the end of my Manila trip. I was on the last night with Philip and nerve Filipina (muhihi what a pun) in a Discussion with a Buddhist. It has a little something about the topic of her book - rage, anger and dealing with them (especially Buddhism) - told and then talked to us about it. The whole thing lasted 2 hours and was the little philosopher in me krönenste the finish I have seen so far at the end of a journey. Then n romantic meeting was the ... hach ja.
I am then to NEM small section of its subject (and n Postgraduate something about the words good and bad) in this blog entry attempts, but he made me just never satisfied. So you can now read it non>
Anyway, as a tourist can be seen in Manila, one of the densest populated cities in the world already spend n few days. Images of Diversity's a probably will not fail: here's everything namely, from extremely rich to poor, bitter, stinking from sparkling clean to dirty, from very small to monstrous size, and so on. But the city is really just something for young people who are alittle bit of action. Culturally, there's little here that is interesting to see. Besides the prostitutes, masseuses and sexy-sex tourists, of course, popular with Theo.
before and after Manila's were also moderately Action: Ner on cycling through the hills directly in front of me (really cool, about 20 km long tour with dump, jail, etc.) an 'NEM cool waterfall (photos coming soon), while trying to catch fish while the snorkelling (one I caught - and I've felt needed 4 hours) and on my first outdoor rock climb with my Kletterhomies. I know non-grad, if I forget some stuff n have or already have a wild time.
matter: some pictures of everything are n (+ 2 videos from climbing on Facebook) online.
The climbing was one of the grossest things I've done so far in the Philippines. The last 2 hours we are in fact climbed on rocks in the water. That meant 6-7 meters on any of the cool and sometimes even sick with the pain of death difficult routes on the palms climb, jump down and climb back up. Super cool thing, which I will repeat, in any case more often:) One of the routes we have "Hurts Like Hell" baptized. I then had problems with it, take off my clothes with my hands.
Among the great events of recent times is the fact that we have ne new boss. Jutta (this is our old boss) was / will be in the near future by Brigitte B.-S. replaced. Ne is also quite nice, but seems to deal with our small, young, youthful Weltwärts Lingen trying to be much more serious than it was Jutta. We should siezen for example. Well brings, in addition to the poorer mood hopefully at least more professionalism in the D There
And almost final conclusion's later some parts of my Weltwaerts report if I did tomorrow, ready for writing (which I have to do because tomorrow the final deadline is::>) whole thing
Another sad fact: I have the true love is still non-found / shame shame. And I have a girlfriend even non.
I also am learning crochet.
And the self-taught medical school confuses me sometimes ... present in the sense that when I wrote the word "Budd
histin " I was with my first thoughts are with the histone
complexity of our DNA. The study can only be so good: D