Annual General Meeting 2008 Events 2008 On 08 February, This year's annual general meeting of volunteers Feuwehr Wahlstorf statt.Der military leader Bernd Schwiderski welcomed those present comrades, as well as guests of the community representatives, the mayor Harald Ahrens and military leaders of the neighboring community Kührsdorf Herrmann Buhmann.Nach the annual report of the WF, tugen the youth officer Gero Hartke and Treasurer William Bock their reports. From the youth fire brigade could Schwiderski Tim and Malte Witt committed as admissions werden.Für 10 years of membership were William Bock, Bernd Schwiderski, Torben Möller and Timo hoof geehrt.Die buckle belt for 30 years of membership were Axel Hamann, Rudi Schmidt, Herbert Jalas, and Detlef Hartke.Das special Highlight of the evening, the ceremony was stopped by three companions each have 50 years of FF Wahlstorf loyalty. It is Helmut Foerster, Robert Jalas and Walter Bock.